I have been lucky enough to grow up in a family of music lovers. Since I was a child, I grew up between a Radio programme and a Jazz Club.
All my life music has been the protagonist, different genres in their best expressions.
Since I was very young I have attended festivals and clubs in different places in Europe, India, Mexico and the United States.

In 2017 I began to officially set music to the dance jams we did at school, open to the public, called “Ecstatic Butoh” at Subbody Himalayas Butoh School, (Dharamshala, India).

In 2021/2022, I played in clubs and events, in San Cristóbal de Las Casas (Chiapas, Mexico) including Octli, Zuzú, and La Catrina Cultubar. There I also organized and musicalized Ecstatic Dance at the Wapani Cultural Center, happening every Sunday during November and December.

In Mexico City I played in several locations, highlighting the Venue “Moctezuma”, as part of the “Quimera” festival that I organized.

In 2023 I performed live DJ music as part of my character in the play “The Lower Depth” by M. Gorki, directed by Alessandro Anil, in West Bengal (India). It was staged in theaters in Calcutta and Shantiniketan.

In 2024 I was playing in Madrid, La Horizontal, and Italy, at Spazio 500 per le Arti, Vigolo Vattaro. Since September was playing every week at Edm Hostel, in Dharamkot, H. P., India.

My genres are very varied. I go from Ambient, Classic, Chill, Mantra, Downtempo, Edm, Techno, Hard Techno, Industrial Techno, Afro house, Psy-trance, Hi-Tech, Idm, Gothic, Industrial, Bass, Dark Trap, R&B, Glitch Hop, etc. Always resonating with the audience, to create the catharsis that makes us leave the body and fly in the dance.

He tenido la suerte de crecer en una familia de melómanos. Desde niña, me crié en un programa de radio, un salón de Jazz y en mi casa sonaba la mejor música cada día.
Toda mi vida la música ha sido protagonista, diferentes géneros en sus mejores expresiones.

Desde muy joven he asistido a festivales y clubes en diferentes lugares de Europa, India, México y Estados Unidos.
En 2017 empecé a musicalizar oficialmente los jams de danza que hacíamos en la escuela, abiertos al público, llamados ” Ecstatic Butoh” en Subbody Himalayas Butoh School, (Dharamshala, India).

En 2021/2022, toqué en clubs y eventos, en San Cristóbal de Las Casas (Chiapas, Mexico) entre ellos en Octli, Zuzú, y La Catrina Cultubar. Ahí también organicé y musicalicé Ecstatic Dance en Centro Cultural Wapani, aconteciendo cada domingo durante noviembre y diciembre.

En la Ciudad de México pinché en varias locaciones destacando la sala Moctezuma, como parte del festival “Quimera” que organicé.

En 2023 musicalicé con DJ en directo como parte de mi personaje en la obra “The Lower Depth” de M. Gorki, dirigida por Alessandro Anil, en West Bengal (India). Fue presentada en teatros de Calcuta y Shantiniketan.

Mis estilos son muy variados. Voy desde el Ambient, Clásico, Chill, Mantra, Downtempo, Edm, Techno, Hard Techno, Industrial Techno, Afro house, Psy-trance, Hi-Tech, Idm, Gothic, Industrial, Bass, Dark Trap, R&B, Glitch Hop, entre otros. Siempre resonando con el público, para crear la catarsis que nos haga salir del cuerpo y volar en la danza.